New Imaging and Fluctuation Methods: Super-Resolution, Light-Sheet, STED-FCS and FRET-FCS
Light-Sheet Imaging
- Long time-lapse imaging of live modelorganisms with low phototoxicity
- Combined light-sheet and super-resolution
Super-Resolution Imaging in Living Cells – MoNaLISA
- Smart probes
- 50 nm resolution at 1-2 Hz
- 100 x 100 um field of view time lapse imaging
- Fluctuation spectroscopy with 30 nm resolution
- Sub-diffraction dynamics in living cells
- Easy detection of protein-protein interactions in living cells
- Highly sensitive detection of rare oligomers in living cells
Andreas Bodén
Erdinc Sezgin
Ilaria Testa
Stefan Wennmalm, stewen@kth.se
Web-based PhD-level course, 3 hp credits, by the ALM facility at Scilifelab.
Please register by sending an e-mail with your contact details to: stewen@kth.se.
Registration deadline: May 20, 2022