IMARIS Virtual Workshop
3D Visualisation & Analysis Techniques in IMARIS
October 5th, 2021.
Host: IVMSU and IF Stockholm University

The National Microscopy Infrastructure Sweden (NMI) organize a workshop at Stockholm University with Oxford Instruments with an Introduction to IMARIS, hands-on training and individual IMARIS 1-1 Clinic.
To reserve a seat, register here. Registration closes on the 28th of September.
The number of seats are limited and will be filled on first-come-first-serve basis. Once the registration closes, those interested in the Hands-on sessions will receive a WebEx and an AmazonApp link which can be used to join the event and gain access to IMARIS on the Virtual Desktops.
To reserve a time slot in the IMARIS Clinic, please send an email with information on the labeled object and the scientific question /type of analysis to You can upload your datasets no later than the 28th of September, using the Upload tool.
AIf you register but realize that you will be unable to attend, send an email to g.dontcheva@bitplane.comso that we can give the seat to the next person on the waiting list.