About the Workshop
Light sheet microscopy offers intermediate-to-high optical resolution, good optical sectionning capabilities and high speed – perhaps the right choice for your research? Designing a proper experimental setup that fits your experiment may be challenging and may require a lot of time. This workshop will take you through each step from methodological aspects to data analyses:
- CLEARING Is the clearing technique expanding or shrinking the sample? Is it conserving endogenously expressed fluorophores? You will learn about the different clearing methods.
- IMMUNOSTAINING & IMAGING How should refractive index and toxicity be considered during imaging? Get hands-on time at both the Zeiss Lightsheet 7 microscope and the Miltenyi Blaze light sheet microscope.
- BIG DATA STORAGE, 3D DATA DISPLAY & ANALYSIS How can quantitative data be extracted from 3D data sets? Get familiar with free-ware options in Fiji/Image J as well as with commercial solutions like Arivis (Zeiss) and Miltenyi analysis software.
Altogether, our aim is to give you an overview on current best practice in light sheet microscopy, to provide tips and tricks on each step and to ensure that you obtain basic light sheet microscopy experience by performing each step yourself. Finally, there will be the possibility to present a poster.
Experts will be happy to answer your questions along the way!
Participants should bring their own laptop (with mouse for convenience) for the Arivis data anlysis part. It is necessary to remote connect to the Acquifer Hive system where Arivis runs.
To make optimal use of the workshop, bring your own sample. For support, contact us before you start clearing (at least 3 weeks before the beginning of the workshop). Contact us at imaging@biomed.au.dk
Who can attend?
The workshop is intended for PhD students and postdocs engaged or interested in light sheet microscopy.
Please note that you are not guaranteed a seat at the workshop, if you do not meet the target group requirements. Registrations will be considered in the order in which they are received.
Time & Place
- 14 – 17 of August, 2023
- Aarhus University
- The Skou Building, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 10, C.F. Møllers Allé 6, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Registration is now open
Register here
Questions or Problems? Reach out to us in our contact form.
Workshop fee: 2,000 DKK