Symposium and hackathon on image-based profiling of biological phenotypes in Helsinki, Finland – October 23-26, 2023

The CytoData 2023 symposium and hackathon brings together researchers interested in image-based profiling of biological phenotypes. The symposium including workshops, presentations and a poster session is scheduled for the first two days of the event (Oct 23-24) followed by a hackathon for developers during the last two days of the event (Oct 25-26). The themes of the symposium are Single-cell profiling and Spatial profiling.

For more details please visit webpage of the event:

CytoData 2023 is the annual event of the CytoData Society hosted by FIMM, University of Helsinki and University of Turku.



The CytoData Symposium 2023 is hosted by Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), University of Helsinki, University of Turku, and the CytoData Society.

Symposium Chairs

For questions regarding the Symposium, contact by email: