The NorMIC series of workshops aims to teach biological researchers (PhD students, engineers, postdocs and young PIs) the principles of biological microscopes and image processing.

Time and place: Nov. 29, 2022–Dec. 2, 2022, IBV UiO, Oslo, Norway
Tentative Schedule
Registration is closed. Registration confirmations have been sent out to confirmed attendants on 7th Nov.
Thank you for your interest. We have too many registrations this year and won’t be able to accept any late applicant. All our lectures are open to public, feel free to join our lectures sessions.
Alternatively, the main teaching staff of this course will participate and contribute one single day Image J based image processing workshop in the Oslo BioInformatics Week at 12th Dec 2022. Register here (deadline is 30th Nov).
Location: IBV, Room 3205 (Computer Lab HoX). The room is equipped with desktop computers so participant do not need to bring own laptop.
The theory part of this course will cover: image formation, processing workflow, segmentation, filters, de-convolution, rendering and visualization, classification, AI-based processing.
Based on the feedback from the previous workshops, we have reduced the number of softwares we teach. This is to ensure that participants can have a more in depth knowledge of each software and will be able to perform relatively high end image processing task after they complete this course.
We will use the following software: Image J, Imaris, Nikon NIS, Deconvolution (Heintzmann Lab). Image J and Deconvolution are freeware and Nikon NIS and Imaris are commercial softwares but available at the NorMIC imaging platform.
Final List of Teaching Staff:
- Rainer Heintzmann (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology in Jena, Germany)
- Rune Enger (Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway)
- Felix Margadant (Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Norway)
- Kay Schink (Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Norway)
- PC Cheng (State University of New York in Buffalo, USA)
- Rafael Camacho (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
- Dominik Frei (Inter Instrument As, Norway)
- Julia Schweizer(Bitplane/Oxford Instrument)
- Korbinian Bösl (ELIXIR Norway University of Bergen)
- Frode Skjeldal (IBV, University of Oslo, Norway)
- Anna Lång (Rikshospital, Oslo University Hospital, Norway)
- Øyvind Ødegaard Fougner (Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Norway)
- Ingrid Kjos (Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Norway)
- Edna, Xian Hu (NCMM, University of Oslo, Norway)
Organizing Committee: Edna, Xian Hu; Oddmund Bakke ; Felix Margadant ; Kay Schink
Supporting Staff: Larissa Lily, Linda Haugen, Harold Gutch, Sabry Razick, Melaku Tadesse
NCMM and NorMIC Imaging Platform, IBV
This workshop received financial support from Digital Life Norway ,UiO:Life Sciences, and BNMI (NordForsk Research Infrastructure Hubs).
The student image processing server is supported by UiO Central IT.
Imaris and NIS server licenses are sponsored by Bitplane and Nikon.