4th Annual BioImage Informatics Finland symposium is organized by Helsinki Bioimaging at Biomedicum, Helsinki, Nov 14th 2022.
General info
The symposium collects researchers and facility personnel working with analysis of microscopy images of cells and tissues together to discuss the latest developments in bioimage informatics. The program includes three sessions focusing on applications, methods, and software tools. In addition, a Call4Help session includes possibility to present your own image analysis problem to a large community of experts that can give suggestions how to solve the problem. After symposium dinner will be organized at participants own expense.
The symposium is free but registration is required. The lecture hall holds room for 60 participants so we wish everyone who registers to also be present at the symposium. If you have registered but are unable to attend, please let the organizers know so that we can make room for other participants.
For any inquiries, please contact Lassi Paavolainen (lassi.paavolainen@helsinki.fi).
14. November 2022
Preliminary program:
12:00-12:30 Welcome and coffee
12:30-13:30 1. session
13:30-14:30 2. session
14:30-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-16:15 3. session
16:15-17:(15): Call4Help and discussion
After symposium dinner will be organized (at participants own expense).
Registration and Abstract Submission
Please submit your abstract here
Abstract submission deadline – PROLONGED!!!: 23. October 2022
Registration deadline: 6. November 2022
Biomedicum, sh.1-2 (bottom floor)
Haartmaninkatu 8
00290 Helsinki